Bröllop - Wedding
Snart är det dags för bröllop, på fredag smäller det! Redan på torsdag morgon kommer vi att åka upp mot Östersund, blir lycklig bara jag tänker på det. Har ännu inte bestämt mig till 100% vad jag ska ha på mig på under bröllopet, men det lutar åt detta....

The dress with accessories
Wedding, wedding, wedding... can´t wait! We will start our journey to Östersund early on thursday morning, the wedding is on friday. Haven´t decided get which dress I will wear at the ceremony, but I think it will be the one on the photo above...

The dress with accessories
Wedding, wedding, wedding... can´t wait! We will start our journey to Östersund early on thursday morning, the wedding is on friday. Haven´t decided get which dress I will wear at the ceremony, but I think it will be the one on the photo above...